i saw this american horror film on tv when i was quite little so probably around 2005.
all i can remember is:
- a bunch of teenagers or get trapped or sent to this underground bunker in the woods.
- throughout the film it switches between their personal stories of them afterwords in therapy.
- they are being recorded when they’re underground by camera and microphones.
- either they are already friends or they form alliances when they are forced together
- some of them have fights and i think two of them have sex which really upsets someone..
if someone recognises this please tell me i always think about it and no one else knows what i’m talking about!!
Is this The Hole (2001)? Thora Birch and Keira Knightley are in it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242527/
Robot Sex Monthly (love that name!) for the Solve. Once again, however, I cannot credit him/her for leaderboard purposes because (s)he’s not registered on irememberthismovie.com.
this also didn’t get marked solved. Cheers!