So I’ve posted before about this movie but no luck so far 3rd time’s a charm it’s about a horror movie slasher & a naked women in the shower (not psycho) watched it off a website called Wip films.net just can’t find anymore it had to be from 2000-2015 because I saw it in 2014-2015
How I recall it
It starts with a woman getting ready to shower as she takes off her black bra & underwear with a her butt being shown out of no where the slasher walks in the restroom I recall him wearing a hazmat suit as he was a big dude when she sees him she paused in fear to let out a scream as she trys to get away but he grabs her & pours down her throat a white powder of some sort that had an orange box & he pours it down her throat brutally
This is how I remember it
i would wanna think wip is women in prison? movie. but yes, i read this detail before, either here or on another trivia board you posted this. am still looking for it myself since reading ffrom the other post to try to help you out. but by all means anyone can jump in ahead of me, haha 😛 have a good one buddy
oh sorry, missed reading the top paragraph, now i look dumb 😛
Yes wip is women in prison & oh okays I see I appreciate it tho
it is indeed a “yellow” gas jump suit or whatever theyre called? i watched 3 yesterday with like “suit killers” but they was like gray and stuff. and i dont think wip was mentioned in the other clue on the other board(no offense of course), this will be of help 🙂
Oh of course my memory can wrong so it’s okay I just do know remembering watching it off Wip website because of a hashtag of the execution of the women
Give me the three names of the films tho I’d appreciate!
well is the 3pm “morning” of the next day, got todays stuff to do, ill do more sluething tonight, when i get computer time. well if the hazmat color is hazy, no offense of course. ill look for the scenario am sure not many movies have this scene. haha. oh…and for being defunct/not working..it worked quit well for me last night…….well as far as reading descriptions/names/getting ideas etc… but yet if your referring to the movie part?, theres tons of other websites i been using to watch/skim these movies. so i never actually tried watching,etc… on the website. but well ill try again tonight when time permits. hopefully bring some good news as this movie/scene piqued my interest(not a sadist or any of that, i just dont like to be a quitter) take care my man
https://wipfilms.net/ is the site you speak of?
Yes this is the one just that I know it’s gotta be here somewhere but there’s just a lot tho
i posted 3 links,of the movies but it says it waiting moderation approval
Hazmat from 2013
Scare tactics:hazmat Hell
The Crazies (1973 film)
now am looking into the movies on the wip website
Website has been abandoned since 2016 but I really appreciate it tho!! Thank you so much
i know u said it was a movie, but i checked this out https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2246019/?ref_=fn_rvi_tt_i_2
It’s similar but hazmat isn’t the one thanks tho it’s very similar tho
Also how I remember knowing about it was in the recommendations on the bottom but what I dislike now it doesn’t give me more of these instead the same 3 films or over & over
It had to be have been a horror comedy like a poor star rating it’s gotta be like a copy of Hazmat
one more quick question, then i gotta run till tonight. master procrastinator, aha. the one part you said “at the start” so like an opening kill type deal? or just somewhere in the movie? and of course, you dont recall that is fine as well. the one paragraph said “It starts with a woman getting ready to shower as she takes” or is just like how the scene starts? (im also cursed with being ocd as well) so i ask many questions 😛 😛 ok, i really gotta be offline 😛 , hope to bring good news! talk to you later my friend
It’s somewhere in the film tbh of course take care
ok, then i am leaving after this, one more queston has arose…so is it a wip movie for the most part? or a killer movie for the most part ?or a “the girlfriend made me mad so shes eating clorox movie one time deal?
It’s a typical low budget slasher flick where he gets everyone one by one untill the last person is left standing
Thank you so much yeah I understand it’s probably the most difficult film you’ve ever searched for it has to be obscure like no one has heard of it
well is 121am,lol finally getting around to getting on the comp, but i havnt forgot about it, so i thank for you replying to these questions, lets see what we can do
Okay! Anything else you need to know?
oh, your online, i didnt suspect, i been looking for the last 20 mins ro so, so far. but i have a question…was there like alot of guys in the movie too or mainly just like a “girl thing” and the killer comes along?
ok! got question…as i reread the initial post…so he kills her by dumping down the throat, no use of a knife or anything
He basically pours down a orange box like it was either baking soda or Clorox either way it was a white powder stuff that he pours it down her throat brutally & that’s how he got her
I’m guessing it had to have been a mix
She was probably the girlfriend of a dude
oh and one more, if you dont mind..it was a..like everyone is in the jail inside settings…the whole movie takes place inside..it was like a spring break type deal/killing people out in the jail yard thing
It was inside a house definitely now that I think about it was with like a group of friends of course until only 1 is left standing facing off against the slasher
ok, another question comes along as i skim through looking. they all have like clothes on and stuff right? this isnt one of those porno/ the victim half-naked when i get killed type movies? its a “normal” movie right? will help much as i check out screenshots and so forth
It had to have been a normal low budget slasher flick just the shower scene with the nudity
ok, thank ya again, well about 20 pages down. think all info i need so far, well ill quit bugging now, hope to message again with good news! ok take care
Oh no it’s okay your not bothering me at all! Keep updating me with anything
ok..new question! well they say the only stupid question is the one not asked would say it was an english title/movie or not? obvisouly you dont know the title or we wouldnt be looking for it…but as your best guess…would you say is normal or a foreign?
It had to have been from US & definitely English not foreign
by the time stamp, youre like 3 hours ahead of me. not that that matters anything am just ocd and notice everything as that is how i roll? anyway….well sadly, ill be off for tonight and tomorrow we shall try again! take care
92 comments! well its not Edge of the Axe (1988)
There is way back time machine you could use to go back to the site around 2014-2015 before more movies got added
i was thinking it was Kids Go to the Woods… Kids Get Dead, but am skimming/thinking not now, moving on. and thank you for info, i can knock them off the list
plus i realized it wasnt in a jail
The film you gave is on the right track tho just sucks there’s no way to see if there’s the shower scene
still looking through, i just type movie in the address bar, sometimes, but not always can be found on weird sites, for example the one above 🙁
I found the movie you gave me it’s very similar & very close to the one I’m looking for! It’s the same idea
well am off to bed, is 340am, (snaps fingers)will try again later to find this, take care buddy
Thanks for everything tho take care
good morning! am back on the hunt in my free time, have a good one
just reading through our chats/so i dont gotta bug with questions, however at the start of this “hunt” it was a jail type deal, then you said it was a house? is any of this certain that you can recall the location? no big deal, im mainly going on the scene of the stuff from a box kill down throat w/ a mask, perferebly like the gas mask type, ok, going back out, oh and are these kills with a weapon of choice? ok take care
I found the movie you gave me it’s very similar & very close to the one I’m looking for! It’s the same idea
this that you typed, referring to which movie? i wish i could keep all these posts to one post, but they keep coming to mind 🙁
Awesome can you give me the name of the one your referring to so I can check!
no my friend, the above was what “you” typed, i was asking what movie you was referring to?
you typed this>>>>”I found the movie you gave me it’s very similar & very close to the one I’m looking for! It’s the same idea”<<<<<
what movie was you referring too? as i can be an airhead at times.
but yep, been through idk how many movies since i been awake and tons more to go! , well take care my friend, back to the hunt i go
Ohhh I was referring to the one you gave me kids go to the woods because it’s very close to what I’m looking for
gotcha, as every little bit of info helps 🙂 cause after all this searching i been doing(which is not a hassle, is enjoyable and fun), i became quite intrigued as to what this movie is too/besides just being a “movie mission” 😛 ok take care
dang…along came charlie or whatever it was called was so close
I’m not sure if it’s kids go the woods
Because it’s difficult to see if it has the shower scene but this is a step on the right direction thank you! Hopefully we find it
uunderstandable, a new question popped up and again, if you dont recall, is quite fine…earlier when you said he was “big” do you mean as in tall or as in fat or both, as screenshots might be helpful with this info..or it might not, but figured id ask, ok back i go
I honestly don’t remember anything else from this movie it’s just the shower scene
Like the same size as the one in kids go to the woods & same plot & feel
thumbs up….i shouold download and skim this movie, then go from there
It’s what I did to with other films as well
well i gotta wait 50 seconds, but ya, is what im doing 🙂
Once again I appreciate the help man thank you so much
oh, am watching/skimming it now
well the one so far, he busts her head off the mirror with shards all in her face and a knife of the throat, but not done yet
sadly that was the only bathroom, seen nothing poured down any throats, if u want the file let me know, i cam semd it to you are something but its like 700mb, if not imma delete it. but the post right above was only death in a bathroom,shower.toilet type place
It’s okay you can give me the title of the film
I’m fine with it I’ll download it on my own time
i was just getting ready to empty the file from my disk, i downloaded it, that way i can skim 5 seconds per arrow click, instead of the 20sec or whatever it was just watching from the site. but yes regarding your last message, nope, i havent given up yet 🙂
At least we know that the one you gave me is the idea of what the film we’re looking for is step in the right direction btw there’s also the time machine online if you want to try it out on 2014-2015 before more movies got added
i missed this comment..what bout a timeline?
Don’t really have a timeline because I don’t remember anything else
well am on page 39 current.
Nvm silly me you gave me it already haha 👍 let me know if you spot a different film
well it wasnt “blood junkie” aka rocky trails. we cant post picture here, or you could see if mighta been what we was looking for. well onto the next one
Sorry it’s not but we’re just getting closer
oh, i shoulda put this up with the last message 🙁 cause i know the moderator has to manully delete them or something….but the question is…the killings are only killed by a knife, no other axe or anything?
Honestly anything the slasher uses must’ve been knife & axe
Hi any updates?
ok ty for reply. well scatch off my bloody valentine and hanging heart 🙁
My blood Valentine 3D tho I like great movie
aha, a new question, guess cause the killer is masked. the victim..did she look of chinese or anything ?
She was like a brunette type I could have sworn she was a bit tanish
dually noted
Anything of an update?
wish i could have positive news my friend, but nope still on it. had to take a past day or two off to deal with real life. but i still want to find it 🙂
just another quick post while im waiting on mikey for this morning, then i can get looking…so..is a hazmat suit type look?, he kills with dumping powder down the throat?, it was in a house not a prison setting?, it resembles kids go in woods movie, she was brown hair and tanish? and not sure on the weapon, but he uses powder to kill anyway…..i often reread our book we been sending to each other to try to pick up clues if i may of missed any. as im sure itll be a scene you/I cant mistake when its found! so all this info is pretty much correct as a overall??? yes? ok well imma finish the morning giddy-up thing, then go look for this!
Everything is correct tbh if you Google the site there’s a small search bar on the bottom for tags & titles
but idk what movie am looking for, is why am looking for it my friend 😛 . but i thank you on the reply verification for the other stuff of info 🙂
Is this really the hardest film you’ve searched for?
on the timing the clock thing says..this was the last message you sent shown to me in my main email…(idk if it is or not, but to reply to it) well for #1 i have a limited time, due to regular life, #2, we will have the cut out the entire time i was looking for a prison movie. and #3…yep for some odd reason it hasnt been that easy..with keywords i use and info i gotten from you, youdt think itd be a walk in the park. ok, heres a random question, you dont happen to have a screenshot of the screen or anything, or is it just all memory? ok, well take care buddy ps-none of this is complaining is still fun until i find it 🙂
Why do you think it’s difficult to find?
oh, n for the longest time, i was ;looking in a prison setting, till as of late
wish i could remember to make one post instead of 600, so the host dont have to clean them up 🙁 sorry moderator. but yep….i wouldt say its like a “general” search type ordeal as you gave me a bunch of details..maybe am just having bad luck?. but still is fun 🙂 the motion of it changing from like a prison type deal to like a house-type setting, opens up a whole new area. but still am not complaning . well, imma quite writing you a story and hop back to it in another browser. have a great day my friend . oh ya..and you mean the search on the top right?…i see nothing of this in where you speak….
i cant say why exact i guess?. i just know i havent found it yet
It’s all memory tbh
got done checking “found” from 2012, had a brunette, killer was the older brother in a gas mask type hazmat but no go https://wipfilms.net/wp-content/data/posters/tt2149360.jpg
Something I’m absolutely sure it had massacre in the title I may be wrong
not nikos or mask maker. ok ill try the keyword massacre,etc…
i seen like 10 results till i seen there was a page flip there and theres 600! n well i checked out like 3 so far, but i be off to bed and try again tommorrow, take care my friend!
It’s okay take care friend
i dont see the other big post i made? but one ? came to mind, but ill read it tommorrow is 6am and off to bed….but if you had to guess(i didnt see us talking bout it)what 10 year range would you say it is? we know its in color
Yeah definitely in color & I know it was 2015 I saw it in
So from 2000-2015 it had to have been
ok, added to the other information. but i decided to check my email one at time before bed to see this. but yep, got it for next search. take care 👍
ok, well i wasted time of my life i cant get back watching the insanely stupid well its not after-school-massacre so now is 6am and off to bed, but i got lined up….Sorority House Massacre II ,Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre,Jersey Shore Massacre,Dude Bro Party Massacre,Massacre Academy and massacre for next time im on the comp etc….was a simple copy n paste to put all those titles in my missions pad on the screen…anyway, until we meet again, off to bed i go!
Hi has there be any luck finding this movie?
still 🙁 working on it my man(as time allows) hope to find it soon 🙂
It’s okay & good to know
yep, still on the mission list, as of like two weeks ago..i got on this…..go to random.org and roll a dice to see what horror/suspense to movie to watch for something to do, like at least one movie a day, so hopefully, ill run across it, it cant elude me forever! haha
I understand & tbh I’m going to post about another movie I’m having trouble finding in the meanwhile maybe this one will be easier to find
lol, is it the one i just responded too?. it adds to the list. guess i checked my email inbox backwards. 😛
Hey man I found this movie that’s very similar to the one I was looking for it’s called Muck I’d even say it might be better than the one we’re looking for still tho use it as reference if you’d like & remember what the slasher used it was like you know those orange boxes of baking soda? I know that’s what it was he used on her so he put it all in her mouth brutally & it was a white toxic powder of some sort thought this would help you out
i see the muck. even if is better, i still wanna find the other one 🙂 well thank ya my man for the input
ok cool, yep this is still on the list! i cant recall what i watched like 2-3 days ago..featured one in one of those suits, but “snaps fingers” saw deaths but nothing visually related to that scene 🙁
sorry host, double post 🙁 but ya ill check this movie/reference
I wish I knew why it’s so difficult to find I know it has to be one of those survive from the slasher & until you have someone left standing facing off against the slasher & definitely about friends staying in a house for the night but are being stalked
Hey found another movie that has a very similar concept & scene it’s with the women in the bathroom & the slasher enters check it out for reference the name of this other movie is called Kids Go to the Woods… Kids Get Dead 2009
long time no talk coolguy…i have not watched this movie.. but it might be it..check this url..i think it works..https://www.youtube.com/@HorrorCentral/videos but this movie called “wake the dead” if u click “arrange by oldest” itll be in the far right
Sorry man it’s not this one the movie itself is about
-A slasher like I know what you did last summer
-Survival type like until someone is left standing facing off against the slasher
– it has everything blood, nudity, violence ect
Anything after 2015 is not it because I saw it in late 2015 so a movie is 2017 not it
The guy wore either a hazmat/gas mask suit
This movie probably got a 1 star rating
Thanks tho for giving me this one movie I’ll check out the channel
i ran across a couple hazmat..killer..i think? movie like yesterday on youtube, member of horror central..but have yet to do anything, but still never forgot about looking for this movie 🙂 have a good one
Thanks anyway can you tell me what the name of it was? Thanks
i dont recall but i seen on youtube/horror central. (pretty sure it wasnt any other type movie service) but this was a like 1am so was falling asleep and really didnt get any other details.., but ill know ill be looking for em. but on like a new day..well even now its 3am, but ill do some quick searching 2night n stuff before bed, then push it aside till the next time. but ill send another message if i find before i hit the bed
oh and you said it takes place in a house and not a jail or whatever 🙂
well i just got done skimming art of darkness….why the heck is there a picture of a hazmat guy on the cover i didnt find any in the movie/scanning at like 5 sec/time with the arrow key https://wipfilms.net/splatter-and-gore/art-of-darkness/#more-189166
What my memory tells me is the suit the guy was in was like a hazmat & it was yellow but maybe my memory is wrong & had a complety different suit
well i see a gas mask killer and screen shot, gonna see what this one holds, then be off to bed
scannin this one, then be off to bed https://wipfilms.net/uncategorized/psychotica-2/#more-176487
https://wipfilms.net/slasher-and-giallo/found/ nada
Well for sure it was on this website because in my memory I remember seeing the list of the hashtags & it was huge meaning this movie had everything sex, violence, language, gore ect the hashtag was what the killer used on the chick
oh and you already told me all that criteria, but i didnt watch it, just saw a hzmt and suggested it to you, so that was like a wild card shot or whatever. oh and also…im having a brunette moment…do you mean the train wreck i suggested? or the movie we are looking for that got a 1 star rating?
Yeah the one you saw on horror Central it’s okay if it isn’t still a great watch anyway
Here to refresh my memory here’s the scene
The scene starts off with this chick getting ready to take a bath/shower as it’s a close up of her butt where she removes her black underwear exposing her butt when out of nowhere the killer enters the restroom & when she sees the killer she freezes for a few seconds as he gets closer then she lets out a loud scream & trys to get away but no use he grabs brutally & grabs from the shower a toxic chemical like some sorta acid chemical I don’t remember what specifically it was but it was toxic the chemical was like a white powder
Like if it was baking soda & the killer drops it all in her mouth resulting in her dropping to the floor coughing & dying I found in 2015 on the wip films site & remember the hashtag list being big & one of the hashtags was the chemical use
excellent appreciate it 🙂
well that was a waste 75% through im like…wait this isnt a last person standing type movie..so i just wasted time, neil you idiot. wasnt psychotica…..the blonde was cute though. anyway am off to bed, i will try this again later. take care buddy
Thanks anyway man I appreciate it
and i just found one right away, dling now! anyway, imma quit bugging, take care man
Oh no man you can bug me all you want it’s okay Lol
I love seeing the notifications because it makes feel like I’m getting closer & closer to finding that movie & yes it takes place in a house think of as your typical slasher flick
One way to tell is the chick in the movie never got a chance to shower so if a chick is already showering it’s simply not it
i just read this before i head off. i will note this . have a good night my friend
Nah man no far luck however… I somehow by some coincidence accidentally found another movie that I’ve been looking since forever for while looking for this one…how in the hell did I find this one is beyond me but the Women in this one are hot even tho it’s not this one it’s called American Horror House it’s a TV movie I knew I saw on the sci-fy channel actually I found it on wip.net with the same name because I knew it was some sort of bleach the slasher used
there’s a picture of a chick holding a bleach bottle & when I searched it up on google I end up finding another this one instead weird right Lol I might just find the one we’re after when I least expect it because I found another one so it’s definitely possible to find
thats how i found “found” i think? hazmat/horror moviie…it was by coincidence. of course the biggest clue have never done anything with the movie we search/you know what i mean. would be the gas suit/killing in your details. this one was/had in a swimming pool outside, so yep back to the drawing board is not it! next, for the last however long… i been on this kick of wanting something to do, so i been watching a horror movie every night.(am ocd, i keep lists :P)the list is huge! plus is not like i work or anything. and while getting killed by dolls and birds and stuff is….. ok..another human is the best killer. anyway, so i watch something in those guidelines ! well imma close my book chapter entry to you for now. but i feel we’re closing in! and while my “movie mission” list has a neillion entries..i still wanna find this eluding one! and we’re gonna find it one of these days! 😛
oh i try to make that movie from the wip site (sorry moderator for the close post)
Honestly we will find it unexpectedly just as I found horror house it’s gotta be on the Internet & YouTube & that website!
well a wild shot, but at 47 mins in…i dont think its the hills run red..but even then i make a reminder note to finish watchin later as is like 1am and this old man needa get to bed, got mtg tommorrow, then the hunt will continue..like tommorrow night or something, but imma night owl, so is how i roll anyway. and i got one for ya! would you say..this girl who eats clorox a main actor or just a side actor/random victim? well if you can recall. ok take care buddy
I checked Hills run red it’s not it but has a hot blonde chick & the chick that were looking for was probably the girlfriend of one of the dudes she was unaware of the slasher tbh there’s another movie extremely similar & this is where my memory gets mixed because I could’ve sworn it was blood slaughter massacre but it isn’t it’s similar because it has a bathroom scene with a chick but not quite it
did u check out this death calls or you want me too? i was reading our history, so i took your advice of the wayback machine, just experimenting now the older pages as i gotta get to bed…but i checked the first mask movie called hatchetman. and i can relate as i go to the laundromat to wash my clothes…but this movie had 2 scenes of this!! women doing clothes in there dumping out of the orange box, the white stuff! but they died by other means…so close again!
There’s another page called AZ nude to see nudity scenes in movies use this one to check I’ll check later before I hit the hay but awesome you found these scenes I’ll check myself if it is
There’s another movie on the website that’s extremely close & similar it’s called when death calls & also has a shower scene
It’s not quite hatchetman but I’ve seen this one before I completely forgot it exists! Thanks for helping me remember this one
DUDE I FOUND IT!!!!!!!! ✌️🔥🔥 It was on the WIP website but the hashtags were gone no wonder I couldn’t find it it’s called I spill your guts 2012 thanks tho for all the help & yeah it’s a low cheap budget slasher film with god awful quality Lol
so…the long search has finally came to a close. ill have to watch it/at least skim it just for this scene. but good to know you finally found it. so whats the next incredibly hard mission in your agenda?, haha. of course, ill still be on this board and lurking or whatever..trying to help people out, so ill be ready/be able to see if anything future arrives from you! take care my man “thumbs up”
I pretty much found everything tbh I’m all good hopefully everyone else finds their lost memory films eventually
Well, that was officially the longest successful search in the history of IRTM. I am honored and relieved to mark it “Solved.”