All posts by Natalia75

An Eastern European is making friends in the US (?), speaks in weird slang

Years ago me and my brother saw these on Israeli daytime TV, hence not sure whether it’s an actual film, a made-for-TV movie or series. In the scene, a blonde young man, speaking in what sounded like a pseudo-Russian/Polish gibberish is trying to make friends at a party in, presumably, America (we’re native Russian speakers so to us his lines seemed particularly ridiculous). For example, he compliments a girl with the following: “O, stroynaya babonya!” (Babunya being Polish for “grandma”, “bAba” – rude Russian for female, and “stroynaya” – slim/well-built).
Next, they start dancing, the character pulls the girl too close, she retracts and he expresses his anger by yelling: “KRAPKA POSHNYASTA!.. You’re not a real rock-n-roll girl!”

Now, krapka is Polish/Ukrainian for period/dot, poshnyasta sounds like an invented cursing adjective, and the rest of it – well, that’s what makes us wonder years later, what was the source of this craziness. Any leads appreciated.