All posts by fil

Horror film, color

I never actually watched this movie just saw a couple of seen while my mom was watching it when i was a kid (early 2000’s) from what i can remember its set in a small town that has a theater. teens start dying randomly, a group of nerds soon figure out that everyone who’s died had seen a specific new horror film in theaters and when they went to investigate the film roll they found a couple of frames were empty or it had a face on it but you couldnt actually see it while watching the movie. one of the death scenes is at the school swimming pool a girl or boy goes into the showers and when he/she hears a noise they think its their significant other but really it isn’t and they die. this is pretty much all i can remember thanks in advance.

Movie about high school kids who start dying. The a couple of none popular kids start doing some…

…investegating about the movie in theaters and find a strange picture hidding in the movie film. It isnt visible on screen only when you look at the film itself.

As the title says its a movie about people starting to randomly die. A couple of unpopular kids fro, a high school where some deaths have occured start investigating and find a face of figure on the movie film(negative) that doesnt actually appear on screen  since thers only one or two frames of it. Only people who have been to the theater to see the film die.

I saw this movie between 2003 -2008 probably.

The highschool had an indoor pool, i think a murder happened there, possibly in the changing room shower i think it was the girls shower. She thought her boyfriend was coming to meet her or maybe he did and they had sex then she or both of them died.