All posts by cat

Odd Movie with possible Magic Circus

There was an old movie I rented once that was a story about a boy and a girl who end up in another land. I remember them not really knowing each other but then coming together to survive this new world. It had a really weird story line and there was a magic circus, especially at the end. They do something in this magical world and suddenly are back to their regular lives though one of them is on crutches. There is also a scene where they are getting ready for a ball or a preformance of some sort.

I can’t be the only one that remembers this

so, I remember a while back, this movie that I saw on DVD , It was about this boy, he was a troubled teen, he was bullied at school, had a snake put down his pants because the bullies knew he was scared of them. (I think his grandfather) told him about this river. Then there’s this girl, she falls asleep in the backseat of her parents car while they’re getting something from the gas station and their car gets stolen. And then, two criminals steal the car and kidnap the girl without knowing she’s in there. The boy, who’s on the river with his boat/Kayak, sees her and makes an attempt to save her, because he’s had a crush on her. Then they both make their way to the damn where his grandfather and the girls parents are waiting.

Can anyone please help me and tell me the name of this movie?? I can’t be the only one who remembers this.

Adult cartoon with a monkey and a rat

I remember an adult cartoon that I was watching approx 3 years ago. I think it was British but it had a collection of animals living in ahouse. There was a monkey that was in love with a rat ( who gives birth near the end of the film by pulling her underwear to one side). There is also a narcissitic cat and a depressed horse who jumps out of a window. The humour was way off beat but hilarious all the same and i would love to see it again