…a sandwich in it)
At least I think its a sandwich. Maybe he pulled a just a paper bag, or maybe it was just a sandwich. Either way, I think it was about a couple who were being pursued across state by cops, maybe parents, for something or other. Had a Drugstore Cowboy meets Catch Me if You Can feel to it if I recall… could be wrong, as I’m confident it was made for TV. I’d like to say 80’s.
The final scene is on a field, at a school or outside a motel. Pretty confident the guy is sitting on bleachers / bench when a he’s confronted by police. Pretty sure he had a gun, but he pulls the sandwich/bag instead and is shot.
This has plagued me for decades.
Help me Internet. You’re my only hope.
WOW. Just WOW. Thank you Roxanne. In less than 24 hours no doubt.
Awesome. Happy for you. It has a nice twist to it. Have fun watching.
Good one Roxanne!
Thanks. This site is good for finding old good movies too. thx.