This animated film was done I think in the 70s or early 80s, the only thing I can recall about it that I can put to any kind of words would be (possibly underwater) there is a can of either cat food or tuna where it zooms into the picture on the label which contains an image of the label itself and it keeps zooming into itself perpetually (the label on the label on the label etc) like when you put two mirrors side by side. I think it was shown on the Disney channel in the 80s and it may have involved some birds and a caterpillar… but I’m not entirely sure. Been bugging me for years if anyone has any ideas. Cheers.
It was a can of Bonzo dog food, and beyond the last visible dog lies infinity. The film is ‘The Mouse and His Child’, based on the book by Russell Hoban. I watched the hell out of it when I was a kid and it’s still a favorite.
I’m right there too, Been looking for this film for a long time … i found one called Nausica that i remembered from childhood but this one’s been a mystery until right now … thank you so much.
Not all heroes wear capes. That scene has been in my memory for 30+ years. I just searched “80’s animated movie with infinity soup can” and found your response. That’s all I could remember about that movie. It’s currently on YouTube and well worth a rewatch. Thank you!!!
I have been trying to find this movie clip for probably 40 years. I knew it was on the internet somewhere. It’s really trippy thing to see this again after so long.
Wow that is totally it! That’s amazing thank you so much!!
I’m pretty sure I saw it in the theater when I was 7 or 8.
HOLY HELL! Thank god for you two! I have been haunted by this film for something like 20 years! I asked SO MANY of my friends though college and after: “did any of you see a movie when you were kids that had this dog good can in it? And there’s this guy at the end that tells you ‘don’t be sad’? That’s all I got, ring any bells?” And countless friends of mine have looked at me like I was crazy. I got to thinking I dreamed the damn thing up! My parents of course couldn’t remember the entire gauntlet of animated films they had shown me when I was a kid, so they didn’t know what the hell I was talking about…..oh my god, I can’t believe I typed this in tonight and found this message board.
Thank you, I literally feel like a 20 year itch has been scratched!
I just looked it up, and perhaps the damn reason I never found out what it was, was because I had the only line I remembered incorrect. I always thought the guy said “Don’t be sad.”, buts it’s (as you know) “Be happy”.
WHAT A TRIPPY FILM! Like I said: I’m just glad I didn’t make the whole thing up.
OMG! Me too! I have asked and searched for the name of this movie for years!!! That can of dog food in a can of dog food image as stayed with me for over 30 years! I can’t believe I now know the name of this movie and I can’t wait to watch it again! I think I am going to cry!
THANK YOU!! Been bugging me for 30 some years. All I remembered was a repeating tuna can (actually the dog food can) and two dogs dogs (the two mice and the dog on the can I guess). About 15 years ago I rented Ragedy Ann and Andy and a bunch of other old kids movies, trying to find this but never did. My friends thought I was crazy. The Droste Effect is what the repeating dog food label is called.Found that about 5 years ago. Interesting how the dog food can is the memory that stucks with a number of folks who barely remember this movie. That must have been mind blowing for a 6 year old. Well actually yes it was.
I was so confused about why this was already marked Solved until I realized that this post is almost 2 years old. Hee hee! (Glad it’s still helping folks).
Ive been looking for this for years. Screwed me up so bad when i was a kid
I’ve been searching for this for probably 20 years. I remember watching the movie in the theater when I was 5 years old with my father (now deceased, so I can’t ask him). I remember the dog food can. I’ve literally been trying to figure out the name of the movie for years. I remember the movie freaked me out as a child. It’s be interesting to watch it now as an adult and compare.
I can’t tell you how long I’ve been looking for this. I rewatched Watership Down and Plague Dogs looking for this; great movies but I was so disappointed when this scene didn’t come up. This scene blew my mind when I was little and I could not remember anything else from the movie. Thank you!
Wow thank you for this. I never even saw the movie but I read the book, or at least parts of it, in middle school and I just have this image in my head of this can with a dog with a can with a dog with a can…. I guess there’s something really memorable about this scene. I’ve tried to describe it to friends and no one ever knows what I’m talking about. So I’ve been searching for “the last dog” and “under water can infinity” and was starting to think i hallucinated the whole thing.
I’m very impressed that so many people have this scene stuck in their heads. I am also a kid looking for this for +30 years. Thanks a lot for finding it!
Do you remember the whole movie or just the can part?
All of it. I saw it many times, and I could watch it again, but I prefer the movie of it I have in my head.
So I’ve been looking for this for years too, probably 30 years I’ve been wondering. My guess was it was shown on the Disney channel. Several things I find fascinating about this. Of all the scenes in the movie , why does everyone remember the dog food can of infinity the most ? That’s all I remembered. In my memory however it’s a bit different and I wonder if I altered the memory in my mind a bit. I don’t remember the other characters or even the underwater scene, I remember the dog food can of infinity being dry and the infinity kept going but it changed forms over and over. Like it would turn into a planet and trees and all this trippy morphing imagery, fluidly. I think what my mind is doing is joining two different but related animations. Wondering if anyone else remembers anything else about the other parts I mentioned ? In my memory it was like a 5 min video with music , and maybe a white background. My guess is my mind joined the two because of the infinite entering feeling.
Whoa, same thing – been looking forever, solely remember the Droste effect dog food can and absolutely nothing else. Did it have some kind of secret message in it that hooked us all in?
Also Jaybles, absolutely freaky that the only two animated films you looked for are the two I’ve been looking for for years, with the same exact snippets in mind – the dog food (apparently ubiquitous) and the girl cutting her foot on the coral in Dot and the Whale. I had to double check the username didn’t sound like something I’d use, haha.
My daughter has been looking for this for 20 years. Thanks for your help!
Thanks, y’all. Been looking for this one for decades. Last night I thought about a cat food can in the water and that was enough to lead me here. I thought I also had vague memories of a toy store and maybe something about power lines? Gonna watch this tonight to see how far off my memories were.