All I know is it isn’t Nightcrawler

Okay so a few years ago I saw bits of a film and decided that I’d watch it properly when I could, but I never knew what it was called.

The couple of scenes I can remember are;

This guys on a train and see’s some sort ot crime or harassment towards a woman and images pulling out some weird ass gun and saving the day, but really hasn’t got any courage.

And the other: I think its in a hall of some kind and there’s loads of people on chairs, there’s some guy in front of the main character whos annoying him because he won’t shut up I think.  Anyway, he goes and picks up a sledgehammer and just crushes the guys head and no one reacts but again, he’s imagined it.

I think the idea was that he was some kind of photographer/reporter who wanted to be vigilante but I didn’t see enough of it. I thought it was Nightcrawler.. it wasnt.

Thanks guys

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