About a man who rose from the dead and takes revenge on his killers, but it’s not The Crow

Please help me find the title of the film. Didn’t watch it myself. I’m looking for it based on someone else’s description. I don’t know exactly what country it’s from. It might be from the West.
It’s a horror/slasher. It was filmed before 2000.
The plot is as follows:
A guy and a girl love each other, and then one of their mutual friends (apparently with the assistance of some other people) meanly kills the guy. His girlfriend can’t come to terms with this and goes to a witch to revive the guy’s corpse so that he can take revenge on those who had killed him. When he comes back to life, he looks scary, with gray hair and a scary face. Throughout the film, he finds and kills everyone involved one by one. At the end, he finds the main one who was involved in his death when he was relaxing in a pool. He chases him for a long time, but finally catches up with him and kills him.
This is not The Crow or Zombie Nightmare

5 thoughts on “About a man who rose from the dead and takes revenge on his killers, but it’s not The Crow

    1. guy/girl in love/end guy dies in water. and killer has grey mask with old grey hair (sorry for double post moderator)

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