A scene where a guy steals and newspaper and the owner wants to cut his hand off

Okay, so i watched this movie(i’m not really sure if it’s a movie) a few days back, it’s English ofcourse.

So, the scene would be,  a guy comes up and asks a old man if he has seen the newspaper and the old man says no. So, the guy he takes a axe and tells the old man that he doesn’t like his things get stolen and tells that in saudi the law for stealing things are to cut off the hands. He takes a axe and tries to cut off a hand but a women stops him and gives back his newspaper . He tells the old man that when you leave things in saudi, you can get to see them at same place even if you’d leave them for long time.  and then the guy says that the women saved his life by giving her paper, but she tells him that she found the newspaper lying around and it was not hers.

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