It’s at the start of the classic horror movie, you hear a bang like a thud that repeats every 3 seconds-ish. Almost sounds like someone raising a large club and slamming it back down. Real eery.
The camera is panning right (I think) real slow to whatever is making that noise.
Takes forever, sense of dread builds.
You happen across a large fence gate slamming into it’s hitching post over and over by the wind. Thud… thud…
Losing my mind trying to find it.
It’s at least the 80s, maybe 70s. I think the scene is in the early morning, out in the woods, not dense. Wide wooden fence gate for a car to pass.
Sounds like the chair swing at the cabin in Evil Dead.
Thought you had it for a sec, not quite. Slower and still pretty sure it was a gate.