Hi, I’m looking for a crime movie I saw on TV in mid 2000s, although I assume the movie is older, probably belongs to the 90s or late 80s.
I remember only three scenes from the movie, all involve a beautiful flirty young lady with a dark hair and short kare hair style.
Scene 1: The lady is having a romantic, flirty conversation/interaction with a guy, he is looking to become her lover and succeed (I remember this very vaguely).
Scene 2: The lady is crying at a funeral near the grave of a person whom she has known closely, while her new lover is hugging her with one hand. The weather is gloomy and she is wearing a fascinator hat with a dark net over her face (I hope I remember correctly).
Scene 3: The woman is sitting in her living room, probably on her sofa, and a man is entering and shooting her multiple times in her chest, and is she is dead. I don’t remember why he shot her or whether he took anything from the apartment before leaving.
That’s all I remember, I believe the language was English but not fully sure. As mentioned in the beginning, it’s probably a crime movie (the vibe is quite dark), and doesn’t seem to me like a cinema movie, more like a TV one (although, again, I’m not sure).
I appreciate your help In advance, thanks.
i would its not a comedy/even a little laugh in anyway way movie is it? ok thanks
I remember it as a gloomy, dark vibe, maybe a bit mysterious, but a crime movie in general.
ok, well scratch off the cotton club, was first shot, but thank you for replying/this will help filter it down more. i use like imdb to help sort out fields/titles, then find them on the web somewhere and watch them. take care