11 thoughts on “1980s/very early 1990s action adventure film with a bad guy with pet bird of prey on shoulder

  1. think u might have to sign up or something simple cant recall i had it for awhile and am old. but how you/i can scan quickly movies

    1. Thanks heaps

      Nah thats not the one but thanks

      It had the vibe of a treasure hunt or ransom kind of movie. At first thought maybe was an old terrible Chuck Norris movie but couldn’t find one where one of the villains had a pet bird of prey on his shoulder. Thats the thing I remember most clearly about. The crocodile moment from memory was just near the end as some of protagonists are running to safety they see a few crocs or alligators snapping for a moment but not a big component of the end like Romancing the Stone or Indiana Jones Temple of Doom had them as. My guess was it was not a financially successful movie. The feel of it was ’80s or very early 1990s (for it to be on tv in Australia in 1994 when saw it had to of come out by 1991 or 1992 at absolute latest).

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