Trippy horror movie

So it was around 2011 or 2012 and I had bought one of those 8 pack horror movie things from the dvd store and I only liked one of the movies but I can’t remember the name.  There was a girl she had dark hair I don’t remember her name, and she was just dreaming the whole movie. There was a part where she was working graveyard at the gas station and she almost got killed by some man he was trying to cut her. And she gets off and her boyfriend was gonna pick her up in a light blue truck.. And it ends up not being him it’s the same dude. Then she goes to school and she sees him again, gets upset and leaves. And there’s a part where she goes drug down into her basement by this guy and she gets her face cut off…she’s dreaming all of this tho but you never know she is dreaming until after it happened. There’s a part where that blue truck is driving with her boyfriends body in the back of the truck with the guy driving it or something. It was an older movie though like 2007. I really cannot remember the name please help

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