Teen TV series about a teenage boy who can turn his hand into different objects

This is a live-action teen sci-fi television series. It aired sometime between 1990-2010 and is about a teenage boy who can turn his hand into different objects. I only saw one season and most of the time the main villain was an African-American man piloting a robot (sitting inside it) but at some point there was a plot twist that he was actually good and it seems someone from the main character’s entourage turned out to be the villain. It seems like time travel was involved somehow, but that’s not certain. As I said earlier, the main character could turn his hand into different objects, but it seems he didn’t really know how to control this ability and instead of a weapon it could turn into some kind of fruit or something like that. I’ve been looking for this series for a long time but to no avail and I would be very glad if someone could help.

4 thoughts on “Teen TV series about a teenage boy who can turn his hand into different objects

    1. Hi, sorry but no. But thanks for trying! From what I remember the plot was centered around a teenage boy who got this ability to turn his hand into different objects/weapons and most of the time the villain was an African American man piloting a cool robot suit, he was chasing the main characters. At some point the main characters seem to have managed to defeat him and destroy his robot suit, but at that moment it turned out that someone from the main character’s entourage was actually the villain all this time, while this man, the owner of the robot, on the contrary, was trying to help the main character all this time. It seems that time travel was involved in this, but this is not certain.

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