I can’t remember this movie and it’s been bothering me.
Description: american comedy, probably 2010s, but not sure.
Synopsis: 5 actors are in a cabin by a lake. A redhead, brunette, a gay man, and a bookworm.
There are scenes of them auditioning for a Zac Efron film, though he’s not in this movie.
One of the 5 actresses drowns in the lake. The other 4 actors let her drown. When the police arrive, they act better than they ever have, portraying themselves as being innocent all the while having let the actress drown.
Can you help me find this movie, please?
Sorry, mistake, 5 actors:blond, redhead, brunette-bockworm, and two guys one of them gay
Dead body of the drown girl in swim out on the shore meanwhile her “friends” was pretend nothing happened and play games near the body
Nobody Famous (2018)