Killer Movie???

Hello, I’m hoping you all can help me.

Back in the 90’s, my cousin and I watched a movie, about an entity that stole faces, and used them as disguises. I can only remember two scenes, out of the movie, one of which has a line that has stuck with me, to this day. I recently posted about this, and someone replied that it was “the clown at midnight”, but I just watched that one, and it wasn’t it. The two scenes I remember are as follows:

Scene I: Setting- circus, towards the beginning of the movie. The killer, unseen at the time, kills two clowns, and steals their faces. One of those, becomes the face you see, through most of the movie. It resembles the clown from “the clown at midnight”, very closely.

Scene II: Setting- warehouse; stairway. The killer is chasing the main couple, and traps the female lead, knocking her down a flight of stairs. He then pins her to the wall, and begins to cut her forehead, saying “now let’s see what’s behind that pretty face of yours”. He barely cuts anything, before the male lead hits him over the head, with a board, and the couple escape.

Please help, I have been searching for this movie, for years.

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