I’ve got a scene from an old 50’s or 60’s Sci-Fi/Horror show (or possibly movie) stuck in my head. I saw this on a B&W TV in Chicago when I was a kid sometime between 1963 and 1967. It was about a child whose drawings become reality. Here’s the creepy scene, which I think was the final scene of the show: A couple discovers that a young child (might have been a boy, but I’m pretty sure I recall it was a girl) has caused the house to start on fire. It is because she has drawn a picture of a burning house. When the man moves toward the girl to try to stop her from drawing, she grabs a framed photo of him from a shelf and draws a line across it. The man then notices that he has a bleeding cut across his cheek. As he angrily reaches for the girl, she violently draws all over the man’s photo. The man lets out a blood-curdling scream as his photo is completely covered.
oh, just saw the time frame. ignore that. sounds like an anthology episode.
The novel that “Paperhouse” was based on was also made into an English television special in the early 70s. Again, it’s not in the time frame, and I don’t know when it would have aired in the US, but …maybe.
“The Alfred Hitchcock Hour” (1962-1965 TV series)
Episiode 13 from season 2: The Magic Shop
I think this is the one. Here is a clip showing the boy making his dad’s? face bleed by cutting his picture. He also makes a house burn down.
Yes! That’s it! Wow- and I didn’t see your reply until more than 5 years after you posted it. Thanks! I see I got many details of the story wrong. I was only a little kid when I saw it. I was traumatized by seeing the cut in the guy’s face.
Thank you Michael! Now after 5 years I can finally rest, LOL!
Solved five years later!