All posts by rtcunha

Shocking end with a (possible accidental) sword kill…

I think that this one will be hard…

I have been trying to find and remember more about this movie but with no success. I was young and I watched in one of that sessions around 4am morning on a very shit TV channel…

From what I remember, it was a great movie. It’s not clear in my mind if the story was out of order or if it was different point of views from different characters.

I think that the main character, a woman (???) wake up without memory and found a dead guy with a sword in the chest. And then all the steps to get onto this are build during the movie.

The end was shocking, I’m pretty sure that she killed the guy by accident.

Guys, I need to have regular nights again, I can’t sleep without knowing what is this movie. I trust your vast knowledge…

