All posts by joanna

Surreal, really weird movie about teenage girls at a Catholic high school

i watched an 80’s or 90’s american movie in the mid 2000’s on TV about 4 or 5 teenage girls that attend a Catholic high school.

One of those girls is called ‘Veronica’ and her father was an assasin and later she follows in fis footsteps. She runs a gang with fellow students and blackmail pregnant girls who ask for their help or money for abortion. The main character is pregnant and one of the girls tries to help her. A notable scene is when she has sex with a man in a church’s confessional.

Another girl is a ‘freak’, thinks she is bisexual, believes that three-breasted women live in Mars and loves a rockstar (whose name i don’t remember). All of the girls go to his concert but he is eventually murdered by a catholic nun who opposses his ‘evil music’.

Another character is called ‘Zed’ and i think he was some kind of ‘ psycho’ or something.

Anyway, a lot of weird stuff occured in that movie that i can’t recall. I hope someone will help. Thank you. And sorry for poor english…