I saw an advertisement for a movie. The scene was an ancient army in formation holding signs on poles. Their leader told them to run program xxx 2.0 at which time the solders started twisting the poles, I suspect how they twisted the pole was determined by what the signs were that were in front of them.
All posts by Coyote629
Psychological suspense
Just saw this movie about Nov 9, 2024, or so. It’s a modern movie. Man and wife living in a huge inherited house in England, probably. Woman’s best friend is having an affair with husband. Woman has been in a mental hospital in the past. The plot is the husband is trying to convince the woman she is having early onset dementia like her mother had. The house is undergoing renovations as there is a lot of plastic hanging all over. There is a female bobby police officer (black and white checkered headband around the hat) who comes to the house. Someone tries to run the woman off the road causing damage to the car. Woman gets home and calls the police. A male bobby arrives, and the husband tells the woman it is old damage caused by a delivery truck a week ago. The bobby leaves. Police arrive. The woman explains to the audience she became aware of the plot because she found a hidden camera in the living room overhead light. The woman plotted with the female bobby to set up the husband. Woman layed on the couch within view of the camera and acted like she was cutting open her abdomen, lots of guts. The woman is a school teacher and there is a student that has a crush on her. The student comes to the house and sees the woman on the couch and calls police. Husband is summoned and he sees wife and panics. Turns out this whole stabbing thing was faked and student was in on it, I think. Best friend chases woman through the woods with a knive. Husband chases after them. They got her back in the house. At the end of the movie the best friend is trying to stab the woman. Husband gets in the way and he gets stabbed once in the stomach. Somehow the female bobby was waiting outside while this was going on waiting for it to unfold. The husband dies of the stabbing, the best friend is arrested and the woman is left alone at the house.
A dying young man volunteers to allow his soul to be captured at death.
I saw this in 70’s or 80’s. It was in English and in color. In a modern laboratory a doctor has built a “cage” outside next to the Dr. office that looks like a geodesic dome about 50 feet across. A dying young man volunteers to allow the doctor to capture the man’s soul at the moment of death. When the young man is near death he is wheeled out by staff into the center of the dome/cage. It is night. The young man dies and the cage/dome captures the soul which causes a lot of sparks and it was obvious the man’s soul did not like being captured. I don’t know if this was a movie, or a tv show. The above I am sure of. The part I’m not sure of is this was in the country or woods. The story starts with a couple breaking down in the middle of no where and find this laboratory. The doctor is very friendly and open about his experiment. My faulty memory tells me the young dying man reminds me of the actor that played the lead in “The Greatest American Hero”