3D animated cartoon about Viking creatures and cute monsters within sand storm

Basically what the title says. My memory is fragmented on certain things but I definitely remember this film.

It’s possibly a short film, featured before an actual movie or it was a preview. I’m 99% positive that it was on a VHS tape of a movie, so this was early 2000s when I saw it.

The general plot from what I remember was there people in a small tavern in the desert, expressing concern over monsters coming within a sand storm. Then we see the supposed monsters, which appear to be big viking orcs or something. They then encounter this cute little critter (can’t remember what it looked like) but the critter turns out to be the monster and eats all the viking creatures. It’s nothing graphic because it’s a cartoon.

Please help, this popped into my mind randomly and it’s driving me nuts because I can’t figure out what it was or where I specifically saw it.

4 thoughts on “3D animated cartoon about Viking creatures and cute monsters within sand storm

    1. Oh my god….YES! Thank you! it’s different from what I was remembering but it’s definitely it. Man I feel so much better.

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