scene where dude gets strangles from behind in TV show.

Im looking for a episode if a TV -show i saw on television somewhere between 2005-2007. I think it was CSI miami episode, but there are chances it could’ve one of  CSI’ in the other citites. Hell, it could even be another crime show.


The scene i remember: 

It was one of them flashback scenes the shows has, that shows the viewer the crime scene, where everything is a bit blurred with a certain filter.

They are in a van, a black guy is asking if the group he is with is ready, however , what seems to be the leader of the group suddenly strangles him from behind with some kinda wire, and says something like “Yeah, but not with you” as he kills him.


Thats pretty much it, i wish i could remember more! Any hint is appreciated!

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