multiple storyline

ok so i watched a movie when i was a kid about multiple stories that all come together. they’re all pretty blurry except for one story that i clearly remember with twin brothers and their moms an alcoholic and i think this story took place in england im not sure its not relevant anyways one day theyre out and one of the brothers pushes the other out of the way and gets hit by a bus. the one that died used to wear this hat all the time and after he died, his brother started wearing it. one day the brother who was alive was going down to the subway about to get on one, when the hat that was his brothers flies off of his head and he misses the subway and seconds later the subway he woulve been on explodes so basically it was the dead brother protecting him? they had dark hair if that helps. idk the rest of the movie very well but i cant find  it on any website

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