Hello everyone!
I’m looking for a movie I saw when I was younger. Maybe 15 years ago. As far as I remember it was about a young man going to a new city/country. Im not sure wether or not he is a full fledged criminal, but he isn’t the cleanest guy. In this city/country lives an old man who left his family behind for reasons i cant remember. He worked his whole life in this (to him) foreign place and saved up money which he hides behind a (brick?) wall. The two characters meet somehow and the old man starts to believe that this young man might be his son. At the same time another young man comes to the same city/country looking for his long lost father. This is the real son of the older man.
I think the protagonists are latin people. Buy im not entirely sure. Ans i think the story takes place in the US. But im not certain.
If i remember correctly in the end the old man dies, the”pretend-to-be” son gets the cash, and the real son never meets his father.
I saw this movie during a vacation in Bosnia but I can’t remember the name of the channel.