I know that there was a younger boy by a stream/crick throwing rocks in the water screaming fuck fish-then another part he breaks into a woman’s house-and there are a bunch of treats on the counter-like baked good, he eats a bunch then defecates on the floor. I feel like it was narrated by a man who was reflecting on his life during WWII as a child-like at the end I felt he was sitting under a tree talking about it, then dying.
It does feel like WWII era film-maybe in England or Italy.
Pretty sure you’re thinking of The Butcher Boy (1997). See plot summary here, it describes the fish and the defecation scene: https://ncoxny.wordpress.com/2016/04/07/the-butcher-boy-1997/
OMG THATS IT….I’ve been looking for this movie for YEARS! Thanks!
You’re welcome! Marking “Solved.”