I’ll tell you right away that I saw the movie when I was a kid so most of the information may not be clear.
So I remember exactly that the main character of the movie was a woman (around 20-25 y.o) with kind of dark hair, I don’t know if it was the beginning of the movie, but she came to some kind of laboratory to be connected some kind of simulation or virtual reality, what she was connected with were wires with flat round tips with needles, wires were connected to the body (like an electrocardiography machine or something like that).
That’s from what I can remember for sure (or not).
I also remember the moment in the movie when the main character tries to pull these wires off her body with force, it was near the end of the movie.
The plot seemed to revolve around the memories of the main character, but I’m not sure about that, also her mother was in her memories, but again I’m not sure about that either.
I really remember the moment where when she got into the simulation she saw a house on a cliff or just on a hill, I don’t know, but I definitely remember that there was a house there. And at the end or near the end of the movie, the house collapsed.
I want to point out that I remember the moment with the house very vaguely, so I’m not sure if it was just like I’ve described.
I also want to clarify a couple more details:
- The main character in the simulation was alone, outside the simulation I remember only the scientists who led the process and kind of watched her and that’s it.
- I remember exactly that the connection to the simulation was through wires, it seems there even was a separate scene where when the main character was connected for the first time needles were shown in close-up.
- The protagonist was aware that she was in the simulation, and she also went in and out of the simulation several times during the movie.
I’ve been looking for this movie for quite some time now and nothing. At this point I’m not even sure if this movie exists at all or maybe I just made it up, so I apologize in advance for wasting someone’s time. Thanks!