In this movie (TV show episode) from the 80s/90s, an alien takes over a crew member of a spaceship.

Comrades, I’m looking for a movie that an acquaitance of mine is looking for. This person is always looking for movies that somehow almost no one has seen. So I’ll be very surprised if it’s found. But it won’t hurt to try. The description is as follows:

One of the crew members gets possessed by an alien who was studying earthlings or something like that. On the inside of the ship the host creates some kind of cocoon for himself and climbs into it. The alien’s intentions seem to be non-hostile. The communication with the rest of the crew seems to be telepathic (but he is not 100% sure of this). Then the alien ship arrives and takes its fellow right through the wall of the earthlings ship. How this happens is unclear, but there is no depressurization. There is only the glow of the cocoon, which acted as an airlock between the ships. It also seems that there were some problems with electricity on the earthling ship: the scenes with the cocoon were in the semi-darkness.

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