Thriller movie where the characters hunt the actors wife to choose one of them to kill her husband

I saw a thriller 1970’s TV movie about a horror film actor and his characters haunt his wife to choose one of them to kill her husband who is the actor. I think the two stars were Patty Duke Aston and John Astin but I can’t find the title. Towards the end of the movie the characters were cheering at his wife asking her to choose one of them. The actor comes out with his films on reels and burns them and the actors fade away. Does anyone remember the movie?

9 thoughts on “Thriller movie where the characters hunt the actors wife to choose one of them to kill her husband

  1. Hi.

    I saw the house that drip blood and I first I thought it was that movie but it isn’t. If I remember correctly it was one of the movies that ABC are used to show every week back in the day I like the horror movie or thriller movie of the week. And I believe it was John Astin who was Gomez Addams in the Addams family, that was the main character and I think Patty Duke Astin portrayed as wife. I just can’t find the movie anywhere or the title.

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