The wife discovers that her husband is a homicidal maniac after watching him kill a woman in the shower.

Well, the title of the post pretty much sums it up. I haven’t seen this movie myself, but I want to help two people who have been unsuccessfully looking for it for a long time. They say it was most likely filmed in the USA. In the 80s or 90s. This is clearly some very little-known B movie. So there’s little hope, but I’ll still give it a try. They both clearly remember only this scary scene from this movie. The wife (most likely she is his wife) apparently suspects that he is cheating on her with someone else. She follows him one night to some motel. And secretly watches through the window a sexual scene in the shower between him and some woman. But during this intercourse he suddenly takes out a knife from somewhere and cuts her throat! The wife leaves in horror. Maybe she reports it to the police. Maybe the movie somehow makes it clear to the viewer that this is not the first victim, so he is a serial killer. Well, that’s it. All my attempts to find it through Google were not crowned with the slightest success. The most I could find was a post on Reddit (at tipofmytongue) looking for the same movie, to no avail. People suggested movies like “Lady in Waiting” and “White of the Eye”, but there is no such scene there.

2 thoughts on “The wife discovers that her husband is a homicidal maniac after watching him kill a woman in the shower.

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