A black and white movie probably from the late 50s/early 60s. The setting is a wood frame house in a dusty, sun-bleached field (Texas?). The female starlet is a played by a lolita-type, blond teenage sexpot (Sue Lyon?). A gruff older salesman (Walter Matthau?) approaches the house and engages the teen in conversation at length. I believe she fetches a cold drink from inside the house and brings it out to him. She is sitting on a bench or swing in front of the house at one point while he continues to talk to her.
Are you perhaps thinking of “Baby Doll” with Carrol Baker, Eli Wallach and Karl Malden?
That’s it. Nice shot! I was going nuts trying to remember this. I confused Sue Lyon with Carrol Baker and also Walter Matthau for Karl Malden. Now, to find the movie. First stop – Netflix.
Thank you irtmadmin!
No problem, it’s a memorable movie.