Maybe its a lifetime movie, I’m not sure, Its from the 90s or the 80s, I remember five scenes from it: Scene 1- A young lady was running (exercising) when she felt someone watching her but when she turned around there was no one there but actually it was the spirit of a woman that was murdered. Scene 2- One night when she was sleeping and woke up she saw footprints on the ground and followed them ,Scene 3- She was showing her boyfriend a photo and he was getting upset, Scene 4- She went to the place where the woman was murdered and she touched a chair or tree trunk and had a vision of the murder, Scene 5 it ended with a bracelet and it was engraved with love always or love forever and the dead woman smiling
Sounds kinda like The Gift (2000), starring Cate Blanchett, Keanu Reeves, Greg Kinnear, Giovanni Ribisi… you know what? What a great cast for a kinda lousy movie:
Its similar to the gift, I dont think the cast are that popular as in the gift,I like buddy in the gift, Have u seen talking to heaven and a vision of murder? The movie is more like a vision of murder with melissa gilbert
Maybe the lovely bones but I could be wrong
No its not it, but thanks, I watched the trailer and it looks interesting
I find this one the name is “The Dead will tell 2004” With Anne Hiche,Eva Longoria etc.
Solved by OP!