similar to the sci-fi movies like divergent & transcendence

So theres a man and a woman.  They work underground with a bunch of people in this lab.  He starts having memory flash backs of living somewhere else but where he’s at, which is bad because all people that work in this lab have had their memory wiped.  Anyways he starts getting curious while in the lab and follows this tube at one of his stations and sees that it goes somewhere above ground.  So he sneaks into a boiler room and goes upstairs and witnesses someone being taken into the hospital room and gets caught on camera.  He tells this girl (his friend) about what’s going on and they escape together to see that earth really does still exist and tries to get help so that the officials that are kidnapping these people and erasing their memories and having them create serums and etc., can be destroyed and that people can live again.  I remember seeing this movie around the time that lucy, maze runner, divergent, and transcendence came out.  Any help?

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