Hi I’m Richard
I remember watching a movie on UK tv in the 70s or 80s about some US astronauts who meet an alien species (I think they were) that worship a mysterious object.
Eventually we see the object which is actually a NASA space craft that has some missing letters giving the name of the aliens mystery object.
Example They call it. “Yager”. We can see it should be. “Voyager”.
The film may be Planet of the Apes or 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Thanks for any help.
Star Trek: the Motion Picture(1979)?
Sounds like the ending of this movie, when they find the alien entity they realize it’s the Voyager spacecraft, but it’s called V’ger because of some damage to its side.
I don’t remember V’ger being worshiped by any alien species though.
Yep, definitely star trek.
They basically “worship” it by searching the universe for its creator.