I remember this animated movie (Western animation) that I’ve seen several times in 2000-2005 in late-night free TV.
I’m from Germany, so I’ve watched it in German, but it was obviously synchronized/translated.
Comparing it to other movies that I know, I’d guess it was created somewhere in the 70s to the 90s.
As far as I can remember, the story is about a busty, amazonian female protagonist with dark hair IN SPACE. She’s travelling in a space ship and has to find some alien artefact. She’s wielding a sword-like weapon in at least one scene of the movie. She’s usually dressed in rather tight and leathery clothes.
Also she has a male sidekick (finds him later on, I think) who is a thin and tall guy, whom she has to rescue on some occasions.
The movie’s themes are adult action, explicit gore and some pornographic elements.
Over the course of the story there are 4 distinct scenes that I can remember:
(1) The bad guy starts out as a miner of some sort and is possessed by some kind of alien spirit or life-form.
(2) The male protagonist tries to have sex with a ‘pleasure-robot’ who malfunctions and then somehow explodes or is shot by the female protagonist.
(3) The female protagonist pretends to be a prostitue and tries to seduce the villain in order to steal some artefact from him (close to movie’s ending). I believe this scene ends with her stabbing him into one of his eyes.
(4) In the end, the female protagonist is betrayed by a mysterious, hooded alien figure that has been acting is some kind of mentor to her. It unveils its lizard-like body (RENDERED IN CGI !!!) and tries to get some artifact in an ancient temple, but is ultimately crushed by a gian wall.
Any ideas?
That is Heavy Metal 2000. The busty female is Julie (voiced by Julie Strain). The villain is named Tyler (voiced by Michael Ironside) and he actually went mad from finding some crystal. The eye stabbing happens near the end of the move. The Hooded alien (voiced by Billy Idol) went into the temple, but was trapped inside by a magic door. He was actually trying to get to a fountain of immortality. The skinny guy is her sidekick, and the pleasure robot was actually destroyed when they crash landed on a planet, and Julie shot the robot.
Nailed it! Thank you very much. This site is great 🙂
My search had only led me to the spiritual prequel “Heavy Metal”… so close!
Cool! Marking this solved. Josh West, register for this site if you want us to track your Solves.
OK, I see you’re already registered under the name “jorog”, Josh West, so I did credit you with the Solve.