Red creature with machine guns surrounded by zombies

Alright this was when I was young and it was definitely a movie during 2006 up to 2009 so in those years at least. This was in English and it was a movie, no way it could be an episode, and it was colored. All I do remember is the ending and a beginning scene so I remember people on a helicopter escaping zombies I think and this weird red humanoid creature jumps in with two machine guns, shooting around to kill the zombies. I also think there were some priests that tried to kill it so I’m not sure what this is and I really need to know. Thank you.

About Grievous77

I'm a young guy who likes roleplaying, not in that way, video games, movies, and a good bed or couch that suits my lazy needs and my behavior. I also love to take out my anger out on GTA V and I write on fanfiction for the fun of it and to ignore boredom.

3 thoughts on “Red creature with machine guns surrounded by zombies

    1. It was not in Hellboy but it was like a human with peeled flesh so it was mostly red along with no eyes. Had a weird roar.

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