Old Film with a little girl (tom boy)and a Magic talking ball

I can remember watching this film in the year 1986 but it was already old then. It was actually shown from one of those old film reel projectors. I vaguely remember a scene with the little girl jumping across the furniture trying to catch a paper plane which was controlled by a magician wearing a turban with telekinetic powers and (I could be mistaken about this) an animated ball which I can vaguely remember as being evil.  I saw this movie when I was four years old so my memories are very sketchy.  Thanks in advance.

6 thoughts on “Old Film with a little girl (tom boy)and a Magic talking ball

    1. Thanks so much! You were right on target… jennagain is right about me combining films (it is all so hazy)

    1. Thanks so much. You are right about me combining films in my memory. Not sure heavy metal was the movie with the ball I remember though. Thanks anyway.

  1. Well, I’ll mark this as Solved, even though it may be only half solved. ellielaneimagery gets credit for the Solve.

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