Old animated color movie about a traveling hero, who can’t be scared.

Th is movie must have come out in the 80’s or early 90’s. It was an older styled animated movie done in color, it told the story of a man who traveled around, I think, solving problems, and getting rid of bad guys. His biggest claim to fame was that he couldn’t be frightened by anything, or anyone. He ends up In a village that has a demon problem, if you went into the dark woods, you would know if it was coming after you, because you would see blue flames floating together, then they would change to some ghastly creature, I think a ram? The movie had a happy ending, he meets a girl along the way, and she makes some silly comment and the thought of her going away scares him, to which his comedic sidekick points out she scared him. When he realizes the sidekick is right, he asks her to marry him. I’m 27, and loved this movie as a little kid, but I can’t recall the name..please help!

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