Odd prehistoric/traveling to the center of the earth movie.

A few years back, I was scrolling through the channels on my tv and came upon an English movie in color, about a set of girls stuck in another part of the world/center of the earth, I’m not sure. I caught the end of the movie in which there were 4 girls left, I’m not sure if the mission started with more and they died. I am unsure if they were armed or not but they were dressed for a mission. They were trying to escape wherever they were and in the part of the movie that I saw, they came across giant mutant spiders. I think one of the girls whos hair color is blonde is taken by the spider but rescued later on.

One of the 4 girls at the end has a scientist sister who is working with another male scientist to retrieve them from wherever they are by using some sort of machine/drill? By the time the scientists reach the girls, a giant spider is chasing them. The blonde girl who was originally taken by the spider collapses while running and spiders begin to come out of her body. This forces the other girls to leave her behind and escape.

Now I’m not sure if I’m confusing this ending with another movie, but I THINK at the end when they leave, a spider emerges from some box or the machine. Again, I’m not sure if I’m confusing this ending with another movie but I’m gonna throw this in here in case it does belong to this movie.

What could this movie be? I know for a fact it isn’t any of the Journey to the center of the earth movies.

3 thoughts on “Odd prehistoric/traveling to the center of the earth movie.

  1. I literally know exactly what youre talking about. Its journey to the center of the earth but there are a thousand of them. Its the one directed by david jones.

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