I’ve watched this movie when I was around 8 or 9, 1996. And I think it was a British kids fantasy movie, maybe a tv show.
All I remember is a scene with a young girl who gets killed or poisoned by a witch/queen. Then a boy rescues the girl by killing the queen with a sword and then kissing the girl (I think back to life). It was set in a sandy wasteland full of metal sharp objects and fences, maybe garbage. And they would travel from the real world to that wasteland through some kind of magic portal.
one of The Neverending Story movies perhaps?
No, i’ve tried all 4 of them. Weren’t it. Thank you though.
I know exsactly what you are talking about but I don’t know the name of the movie either! I remember the wasteland but that’s really all I remember and I’m dying to know what it was. Please let me know if you ever found out!