Mid 90s kids fantasy movie. Magic portal to a wasteland.

I’ve watched this movie when I was around 8 or 9, 1996. And I think it was a British kids fantasy movie, maybe a tv show.

All I remember is a scene with a young girl who gets killed or poisoned by  a witch/queen. Then a boy rescues  the girl by killing the queen with a sword and then kissing the girl (I think back to life). It was set in a sandy wasteland full of metal sharp objects and fences, maybe garbage. And they would travel from the real world to that wasteland through some kind of magic portal.

3 thoughts on “Mid 90s kids fantasy movie. Magic portal to a wasteland.

  1. I know exsactly what you are talking about but I don’t know the name of the movie either! I remember the wasteland but that’s really all I remember and I’m dying to know what it was. Please let me know if you ever found out!

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