Japanese Crime/Horror Movie

A few years ago I happened upon a Japanese movie – quite recent, in color and very well done.  It involved a Japanese police homicide detective who went to work every day on a ferry, and as he travelled he began to see a face in the window of an abandoned warehouse.  The face became more and more clear every day, and it to be a woman screaming for help.  Of course, he investigated the warehouse, but found nothing on the first trip.  He returned, and the woman materialized out of a puddle of water on the floor, and then disappeared again.  After this, she would appear everytime he spilled water or tea on the floor of his apartment, or walked by a rain puddle in the street.  Very weird, and unfortunately I had someplace to go and never saw the end of it.  Dying to know if anyone recognizes it.  Thanks!

4 thoughts on “Japanese Crime/Horror Movie

  1. assuming Cathy was the OP, then it looks like this one should be marked as a solve. Cheers!

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