I Remember This Weird Samurai Film…

So many years ago, back when the channel G4 was alive and well, I remember it aired this super weird movie. I think it was supposed to be like a parody superhero samurai film. The main character mainly used a samurai sword and he was fighting crime in an inner city setting. I remember there was a montage of him “saving the day,” and he runs up to a prostitute and a pimp, wraps them in a sheet of seaweed, and then slices them up into giant pieces of sushi. It was super low budget so it wasn’t as bloody as it sounds. There was also this baboon sidekick (or maybe his driver?), and it sounded like someone prerecorded themselves mumbling and speaking a few words and them would play these sound bites to be the monkey’s voice. I dunno, I’m guessing it’s super obscure, but does anyone know what movie this is?

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