I can’t remember the name of this movie for the life of me

So, I think it’s a Jean Claude van damn movie. (Not sure)

But it starts out where the guy “dies”. But he wakes up on this island filled with other ex convicts and secret service men whom the world thought were already dead. Well no one is allowed to leave. And this island has all this high security. Ex.) Shark infested water(?), Lazers in the water. And you need to scan your finger in order to do anything ( so the warden knows exactly where you are).

Basically, Jean van damn is trying to escape to get back to his wife. And in the end he finally escapes.

4 thoughts on “I can’t remember the name of this movie for the life of me

  1. Or “Double Team” (1997)?

    From IMDb:
    “Counter-terrorist Jack Quinn misses his target, Stavros, on the eve of his final mission. From there, he is sent to “The Colony”, a rebirth for presumed-dead assassins.”

    This one has Van Damme in it, and and there are lasers on the secret prison island. Van Damme eventually manages to escape from the island.

  2. Here is the trailer for “Double Team”, at 1:10 in the trailer you can see the lasers in the water for a second:

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