Horror movie of girl trying to save her brother from a killer

ok to start out, I saw this movie around 2008-2010. It was in English and full color. The only scene I can remember is a guy breaks into a family’s house, the father goes to check it out. They get into a fight and the father somehow gets his head stuck in the railing of the staircase. Then the killer uses a dresser or something to kill the father. Later on, one of the younger boys that likes to dress as a cowboy, runs into a cornfeild with the killer chasing him. All you see is a flash followed by the sound  of a shotgun. The main protagonist is a 20 something girl with short hair,which is either blonde or brunette. After he kills the rest of the family he takes one of the boys and as he leaves the protagonist sneaks into the van and the rest of the movie is her trying to save him. Thanks to whoever can help me!!

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