Help identifying actress?

Something different: I know what this actress is from, but she’s uncredited and I’m trying to identify her from some photos. I’ve searched everywhere for credits that include her with no luck.

She’s in Criminal Minds episode “No Way Out” (2007), playing the younger version of a character called Jane in a flashback. Unfortunately, because of the way the scene is filmed, the closeups of her face are kind of blurred, but these are the clearest ones I have:

I realize it’s a long shot, but everyone here has seen a lot of films, so I wondered if someone might have seen her in something else and recognize her? I’m face blind and can’t recognize anyone to save my life, which is why this search is driving me nuts. :-p

4 thoughts on “Help identifying actress?

  1. Totally guessing…but the pics sort of look like either: Anna Camp, Jessy Schram, or one of Meryl Streep’s daughters. Any of them possibly?

    1. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for not answering! I subscribed to the post but for some reason I never got a notification.

      I don’t think it’s any of them (I honestly had trouble telling with Jessy Schram because they do look really similar, but I’m pretty certain it’s not her). Thank you so much though!

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