the approximate date you saw it
LAte 80’s-early 90’s
whether it was in English or another language,
whether you saw it on TV (it might be a TV episode rather than a movie)
Saw it on tv in the UK
whether it was in color or black and white
anything else you can think of that might help pinpoint the film
It was a fantasy film, a sword and sorcery type film. I remember that it had an evil person who lived in a tall tower. But I also think there was some kind of connection to the “real” world. A scene with a drive-in cinema. It’s not He-Man Masters of the Universe.
One thought on “Fantasy movie”
Could it be “Targets” with Boris Karloff? It switched between the movie world and the real world…
Could it be “Targets” with Boris Karloff? It switched between the movie world and the real world…