A long time ago, I saw what I’m pretty sure was the ending of a black and white film. It was very ‘Twilight Zone’-esque. This woman ends up lowered into the ground into a pit full of insane woman. I remember a shot of her, and then it panned back to show all the crazy people around her. It was very chilling seeing her standing there trapped in this hole with all these insane people. One of them kept quickly walking in a circle talking to herself. I though it might be ‘The Snake Pit’ with Olivia De Havilland, but I couldn’t find that scene there. Almost certain this was at the end of the film. Maybe it WAS a Twilight Zone episode. Any thoughts, folks? Thank you!
Sort of a long shot because I don’t remember the precise scene you describe and you didn’t mention Boris Karloff, but Bedlam (1946) fits the general description.
It is The Snake Pit. It is not the end of the movie. It is near the end. She isn’t lowered into the hole. She imagines she is in a hole and the camera pulls up with an overhead shot of all the crazy women around her
This has a description and pictures from the scene. De Havilland actually says in the voiceover she felt like she had been thrown into a snake pit. That’s the big scene in the movie. The rest of it is ho-hum.
That’s it! I’ll take a closer look next time. Thanks so much!
Thanks for clearing that up will, nice research job!