Christmas Carol

As we know, there have been many, many Christmas Carol adaptations based on one of Charles Dickens’s novels: both movies, shows, and shorts for years.

However, there is one Christmas Carol I’ve been trying to look for. It’s a cartoon and in one scene, I remember the Ghost of Christmas Present momentarily appearing and looking a lot like Santa Claus during a song.

If anyone knows which version is it, please let me know as soon as possible.

12 thoughts on “Christmas Carol

  1. Isn’t that the Mr. Magoo version from. 1962? I don’t remember him turning into Santa Claus, jus he looked like him from the outset.

    1. I found the scene on YouTube. Christmas Present doesn’t have a song. It has songs. He just resembles Santa. He’s fat with a white beard and wearing a robe.

      1. Please show me by sending me the link.

        After that, I need you to help me with something else using Reddit again if possible.

  2. The entire show isn’t on YouTube anymore free. But there is a clip of most of the Christmas Present episode. All that is missing is the brief appearance of his introduction at Scrooge’s bedroom. (All of it is on glitchy Dailymotion if you get that). He is sitting up on The floor and you can see his skinny barefoot legs. When he stands his pink robe comes to the ground and he takes on a more Santa look. Here is the rest of the CP sequence.

    You should have asked me about the other Zorro quote the first time. It is too much hassle to go through that again.

  3. 1) Sorry, but that’s not the Christmas Carol version I’m looking for.

    2) I did ask in another reply comment, but when there was no reply, I had to proclaim the post as solved and create another one concerning another quote in Spanish to get your attention.

    Btw, I didn’t ask the first time altogether because I didn’t want to overwhelm you or anyone else with so many questions.

    Anw, when you can, it’s the same Zorro episode like last time but this time, from 32:05 till 32:15.

    1. If you asked me the first time I put it all in one post. It is a lot more work to do it twice.
      I’m not revisiting it.

  4. Maybe you don’t have to create another Reddit post.

    Perhaps you can just go to your last reddit post concerning Zorro and post a reply comment to the user who answered you the first time in the form of a question about the other Spanish quote.

    1. I’m shocked Will went as far as he did to help you out the first time. Most people wouldn’t. I’d be very grateful to him.

      1. Actually, I am grateful to him. I really am. That’s why I was trying to offer a solution in return for his help. I may not show it all the time, but deep down, I’m very grateful. And I’m not ashamed to admit it either.

        It’s just that I have also been under a lot of stress and pressure lately what with the situations my country, Lebanon has been suffering for years that sometimes, I can’t think straight either. Plus, I’m a low-degree autistic, so, in a way, it’s in my nature to be like that sometimes, which probably explains the misunderstanding.

        Tbh, if I were ungrateful, I would’ve shown it using profanity and exclamation marks, but as it turns out, I didn’t because I’m not that kind of person. Far from it.

        I’m sorry if you misunderstood me or saw it that way though. Plus, I forgive you.

        In the end, nobody’s perfect either.

        Thank you for your understanding in advance.

        1. I understand, I am just trying to suggest to you that you might want to express that gratitude explicitly and directly to the person who helped you before asking for more assistance. It might not come naturally to you for the reasons you’ve said, but I think it’s a good idea to try to develop the habit. The more grateful you appear the more people will be willing to help you. I do think you have made good progress in communicating with a friendlier tone since you first started posting on the site.

          Hope things get better in Lebanon.

          1. Thank you for understanding and also your good wishes concerning my country too.

            I’m glad we reached a settlement.

            Is there anything you suggest I should tell Will or he’ll probably understand better from our latest comments (yours and mine)?

          2. This is a side conversation, if Will wants to help he will and if not he won’t. He’s already done a lot.

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