I can’t remember many details. I think I watched that film around 2010, maybe a little later or earlier but it wasn’t new movie. I’m not sure but it might be English and in color.
I think the main character was detective and he was trying to solve the case of mysterious murders. There was something strange about this crimes, I think there was no trace of presence of third parties or something like that. Second thing – police was founding dead cats near the bodies.
The mistery were never solved but movie was giving signs there is some paranormal being arranged. I remember one scene when two character were talking about the case (main character and other detective I think). Their conversation was disturbed by creaking floor but they thought it’s normal in old house (because it was big, aged building). After one of detective left, the second one checked the floor and it wasn’t creaking when he was walking on it. And I remember this as really scary.
Sorry for my English. If something is unclear, please write me, I will try to clarify.