All posts by Alloosh

World War II, an american squad is trapped and sends a message with birds.

I’m looking for a World War II movie.

in it an american squad is trapped and sends a message with birds, the nazis notices the bird and shoot at it, they don’t kill but injure it, it delivers the message.

the nazis attack the american squad and fail then they brought troops with flamethrowers.

one american soldier was wounded and covered with blood wanted another to read him from the bible, he tried but the bible papers were covered in blood, he read of his memory.

Anime Movie About A girl whose parents ate spirit’s food and got transfigured to pigs

I’m looking for an Anime Movie About A girl whose parents ate spirit’s food and got transfigured to pigs.

then the spirits take her to work in a public bathhouse where the master makes her sign a contract she forfeits her name and gets another.

in a scene a not clean spirit enters the bathhouse the other spirits gets nervous and wishes it leaves and the girl pulls something out of it that makes it clean.

four boys

I’m looking for that movie that’s about 4 boys who went on a trip.

on the way they had to cross a railway bridge, while crossing they didn’t pay attention to a coming train until it was close, one was almost killed.

they crossed a lake and when they got out of it, they found leeches on their bodies, the main character found on his dick.

a boy was not fine with his older brother, he once held his head to the ground, at the end the movie the narrator says his older brother killed him.

Not modern Vampire movie

I’m looking for this movie about vampires, it’s not modern.

a guy was bitten and the symptoms started appearing on him, he stalked his girlfriend or ex-wife i’m not sure, she sprayed his face with pepper, he looked away and that accelerated the transformation turning his eyes white.

vampires can walk on walls.

in a scene a vampire girl says that she loves having sex with vampiresĀ  for hours.

in a scene the guy and the girl want to enter a house guarded by two vampires in police uniforms, the girl waves the cross in a necklace around her neck while talking to the two vampires, they look away awkwardly and say we don’t know.

World War II movie

I’m looking for this movie about World War II, it’s not modern.

it has general patton’s army in europe.

in a scene the troops were camouflaging themselves with tree branches and when they came to the city area one of them said that camouflage doesn’t fit the city.

strange creatures get on a ship at sea that swallow people

I’m looking for that movie that has strange creatures get on a ship at sea that swallow people.

the first victim was a woman in the restroom was attacked while setting on the toilet.

in a scene one of the creatures was holding a person, another person came and gave him a gun with one bullet to kill him self, instead he fired the bullet at the one who gave him the gun and was swallowed by the creature.

at the end of the movie the survivors reach an island.

Movie that has a videogame which playing affects real life.

I’m looking for a movie that has a videogame which playing affects real life.

In a scene a group of friends were playing while another friend were far from them, the game depicted him and his surroundings.

he tried opening a door with a key he didn’t succeed until his friends who were playing opened the door in the game.

then an enemy appeared at both the game and the real life all fought him but he killed the far friend at both the game and the real life.

what i can remember is that the movie’s name was i am alive but i looked for that name and found nothing.